The pool is a complex system, and it needs comprehensive care. At the same time, the need for servicing is not related to the size: any swimming pool needs regular maintenance. Some believe that maintenance of the pool in a house, fitness club or recreation center is limited to maintaining basic cleanliness and it is enough to clean it from visible debris from time to time.
However, this is not the case. The pool water is partly a «living organism», it is in constant interaction with the environment, and also influences people who use the pool for their needs. To ensure that the use of the pool is fun and does not cause harm, the water in it should be not only transparent, but also hygienically impeccable.

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From the first day of the introduction of the basin into operation, various kinds of pollution inevitably come into the water from the environment, including pathogenic microorganisms that can cause various diseases. The temperature of water and air, solar radiation, atmospheric precipitation, the presence of an artificial flow in a basin, a whirlpool or a waterfall, the intensity of the use of the pool — all this affects the quality of water. Thus, timely maintenance of the pool in accordance with the standards becomes the main condition for safe and comfortable use. This is not a one-off action, but a regular process regulated by operational features. Maintenance of pools includes daily, weekly and monthly cycles. Each cycle consists of several stages, the number of which depends on the purpose and equipment set of each particular pool.
The basis of service is:
checking the operation of technical systems in the basin;
prompt identification and elimination of malfunctions;
water quality control;
prevention of contaminants and mineral deposits in the pool.